Men’s Hair Loss and DHT

In the late 1990s researcher discovered a link between hormones and hair loss in men. Men’s hair loss; androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness is caused by the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) researchers have discovered. In youth the body has a natural defense mechanism that keeps DHT in check, but as men age this defense mechanism diminishes and by the age of 50 nearly half of all males will experience signs of hair loss. The formation of the excess DHT shrinks the hair follicles and causes permanent hair loss.

There are pharmaceuticals such as Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Propecia that propose to prevent hair loss and grow hair, but they don’t always work and come with some nasty side effects. These drugs also do not treat or promote a healthy scalp. In order to promote hair growth you need to start with a healthy scalp. Some herbs, plant compounds and essential oils have been proven to promote a healthy scalp, bring blood flow and nutrients to the scalp and grow hair without the harmful side effects associated with hair loss drugs.

Images International’s Head First Hair Loss Prevention and Scalp Health Program uses all natural products which include herbs, plant compounds and essential oils designed to promote a healthy scalp allowing the hair follicles to stay open promotinghair growth. Our products included:

• Ginko biloba which improves blood flow allowing nutrients, oxygen and blood to reach the hair follicles. Hair follicles need a regular supply of oxygen and nutrients to grow.
• Cinnamon which stimulates the circulation to help stimulate the hair growth cycle.
• Sage which has been used since ancient times to combat hair loss and baldness. Sage contains the 5-alpha reductase compound beta-sitosterol which improves circulation to the scalp allowing for more nutrients to get to the hair follicles.
• Birch which has anti-fungal properties, controls dandruff, and promotes shinny hair.

Turn learn more about how our Head First Hair Loss Prevention and Scalp Heath Program can help you please call to schedule a free scalp analysis today. (248) 540-0900.

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