Why You Need a Scalp Facial

Since Images International has become a Trichology Certified salon we have been focused on more than just healthy hair.  We know that healthy hair stems from a healthy scalp.  If you’re not caring for your scalp, now is the time to start.  More and more evidence suggests that regular scalp care can lead to thicker strands and it can even prevent hair loss

Scalp ailments go far beyond dandruff and psoriasis.  You must remove build up from your products which clog the hair follicle.  You must balance the pH of the scalp, address excess oil production as well as calm inflammation.  Images International has a scalp treatment program designed to assess which regime is best for you and to deliver the results you’ll notice in your strands.

Just like the pores on your face, your hair follicle can get clogged.  Bacteria, oil and dirt can fill hair follicles causing damage and irritation.  A clean scalp will present like an open crater around the hair shaft.  When you aren’t caring for your scalp and you use products with silicone the crater is filled, and the buildup can even creep up along the hair.  Bad bacteria can get stuck in the swamp on your scalp which might cause itchiness and inflammation.  Without oxygen or a way to absorb nutrients the follicle will be damaged, sometimes irreversibly, leading to hair loss.

Beyond silicones and bacteria, your environment contributes to the toxins that exist on your scalp.  Air pollution, especially from big cities can cause oil and mucus to accumulate at the bottom of the hair follicle.  Cold weather can cause dryness and cracking of the skin.  Even dry shampoos used to stretch out time between regular shampoos can clog hair follicles.

Now that you know what you’re up against you want to know what you can do.  Images International specializes in scalp health.  We highly encourage you to cleanse your scalp with a treatment shampoo at least once a week.  Our scalp treatment shampoo has anti-fungal, antimicrobial properties and detoxifying ingredients to clear the scalp of debris.  You should always massage your scalp with your finger tips during every shampoo to loosen build up. 

If you are noticing dry flakes or excess oil, you’ll want to alternate your shampoos with a specialized product to address these issues.  Images International’s Dry Scalp shampoo and Oily Scalp shampoo are gentle and effective at normalizing the condition of your scalp. 

If you are noticing hair loss you’ll want to use a treatment shampoo to regulate your hair growth cycle or block certain hormones syntheses that cause your hair follicle to stop producing hair. 

When you book your free consultation at Images International you will see your scalp under a magnified scope which shows the build up we are going to remove.  We design a regime specifically for you and your scalp’s needs.  Once we correct the condition of your scalp you will be on your way to thicker, shinier hair.  Call us at (248) 540-0900 to book your consultation.

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