Let's Talk About Hair Sytems

Men have been wearing hair for centuries, but it has never looked more natural than it does today. Due to the many innovations in non-surgical hair replacement you can now can add hair to your existing hair, cover areas of hair loss and feel great about the way you look.

Over that past few decades, the process of wearing hair has also gotten easier. The toupees of yesterday that require daily application, tape and high maintenance have been replaced with skin-like membranes called hair grafts that are applied using a bond that lasts up to four weeks. That is four weeks of waking up and going. You will not have to worry about combing over, spraying in place, or camouflaging your thin hair again. Once a month, about the frequency most men get a haircut, you’ll come in to the studio and have your look refreshed. It has never been simpler to achieve the look of your dreams.

You might be worried that someone will notice, that it will look “wiggy”, but fear not! Due to the extremely thin membrane, the hair graft will suction to your scalp and it is unnoticeable where it starts and stops. You will feel the shower on your scalp, your partner can run their hands through your hair and not feel a bump where that graft sits. You will see your scalp through the hair just as if you are wearing nothing at all. Our expert stylists have years of education and dedication to the art of blending hair additions to your biological hair. You will achieve the most natural look, undetectable even during a close-up conversation.

Wearing hair is becoming more and more mainstream as celebrities, businessmen and everyday family men are taking the step to love the way they look again. If you could think back to when you loved your hair last and have that look again, how would you feel? Let us show you the amazing benefits your dream hair can give you. You’ll notice confidence in your career and personal relationships. This confidence has a way of translating into happiness and success.

Getting started is easy. You’ll need to schedule an appointment for a consultation. At this free appointment we’ll discuss the look you desire, bringing pictures is always a good idea. We’ll take measurements, color match and texture match your own hair. In as little as one week you will come back and we’ll apply your hair. Our trained stylists will walk you through every step of care, we’ll even send you home with some products. Scheduling is always flexible, early morning appointments, evening appointments and Saturday appointments are always available to fit your schedule. As a full-service salon, we take care of everything, haircuts, color and of course, delivering the finest quality hair. Call for your free consultation, (248) 540-0900. There is no obligation to purchase. We welcome you to come in to see one for yourself.

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