If You're Experiencing Thinning Hair

If you've noticed your hair thinning it may not be that it is falling out but that the hair itself is smaller in diameter.  This is a normal occurrence and it gives the appearance of reduced hair volume overall.  At any time one if five women may be experiencing this problem. 

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When the diameter of your hair strands gradually decreases it can make your hair seem thin and sparse.  This change is related to your hormones called androgens.  Androgenic thinning is determined by your genes and can occur in both men and women.  Hormone levels are higher in men which is why we see their genetic hair loss more prominently and in a different pattern.

Having a genetic predisposition to thin hair doesn't mean you'll have the same fate as your father or mother with hair loss.  There must be something that triggers or exacerbates your sensitive follicles.  An example of such a trigger is a hormone imbalance, stress, diet or a metabolic imbalance.  If you're follicles are overly sensitive in genetically predisposed areas like your hairline or temples the circulating androgens will cause hair thinning.

With this type of hair thinning your anagen, or growth, phase of the hair cycle gradually shortens and the follicles miniaturize meaning they slowly produce finer hairs which are grow shorter with each cycle.  Over time you will notice reduced hair volume.  Hair shedding can also occur at the same time as the miniaturization occurs.  Unfortunately women may lose 50% of their hair volume before they realize they have a problem.

Images International has an approach that can halt the thinning process and in some cases reverse your thinning hair.  We don't just address your hair strands we target the problem.  We treat the hair follicle with anti-androgenic lotions, anti-inflammatory ingredients, proteins and antioxidants.  Our specialized program maximizes the anagen phase of your hair cycle so your hair grows healthier longer.  Over time you will notice more volume with healthier thicker hair strands.

With unique programs for both men and women we are optimistic we have a solution to target the specific reason you are noticing thin hair.  While some products coat the hair strands to achieve a look of more volume or dilate your blood vessels for increased blood flow like Rogaine, Images International's products aim to rebalance your scalp, heal and nourish your hair follicle to address the underlying cause of thinning hair.

Through our experience in treating hair loss in both men and women we have learned that the earlier you start treatment the better.  It is easier to protect and nourish a hair follicle than it is to rejuvenate a damaged and dormant one.  Young men are encouraged to start using preventative treatments in their early twenties if hair loss is in their family and women should begin treatment as soon as they notice thinning which may be as early as in their thirties. 

To learn more about our scientific approach to stop thinning hair call us at (248) 540-0900 for an appointment for a free consultation.  We will do a hair and scalp analysis and educate you about our solutions.  This appointment is totally free of charge so call today!

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