Now Offering Jon Renau Hair Replacement Solutions

easicrownImages International is proud to offer the Jon Renau line of hair replacement solutions. This well-known brand is an industry leader in synthetic, human hair and European hair additions and wigs. Constructed with the finest quality materials available, the craftsmanship is unmatched. Whether you are looking for soft layers, an asymmetrical bob or luxurious long curls Jon Renau’s extensive collection has many options to choose from to add hair specifically where you need it.

If you’re searching for the ease of a synthetic hair addition or wig Jon Renau has the trendiest options in the industry. Available in a variety of styles and lengths you will be able to have a side swept bob, beachy waves or a long-layered style. New advancements have now introduced the option to have a lace front for maximum styling flexibility without the use of adhesive or tape. You will have a secure fit and it will not unravel or lose its shape. If you’re looking for a synthetic solution with styling capabilities Jon Renau has a collection that can be styled with heat just as you would human hair. You can blow-dry, flat iron or curl the fibers up to 350 degrees. The hair is designed to be resilient in structure whichallows it to have a natural sheen and glossy touch of natural human hair.


Jon Renau’s human hair collection can add more volume and body to your thinning hair, transforming your look. Human hair acts just like your own hair and can be heat styled and washed regularly. A wide variety of choices include nearly invisible bases that can removed easily or even give you the option to integrate your own hair by pulling it through. With completely customizable fits Jon Renau offers unparalleled comfort and realism. The lace design creates the illusion that the hair is growing right out of the hair follicle. Constructed using ultrasonic heat technology the lace will not stretch or unravel and you’ll hardly remember it’s there. Not all human hair additions are created equal and Jon Renau tops our list of quality solutions.

For supreme luxury Jon Renau offers a European hair collection that takes silky sheen and movement to the next level. The wigs are created by master wigmakers that hand tie each individual strand. The construction process is thoughtfully done from the light feeling against your scalp to the depth of color tones. The hair is essentially unaltered when it is sewn into the wig and therefore it can deliver unmatched shine and movement. If you are looking for a high definition human hair addition or wig Jon Renau’s European line will make you look and feel your best.

If you aren’t sure what you are looking for let our trained stylists educate you about your options during a free consultation. Bring pictures of what you’d love your hair to look like and we can offer you the solution that will deliver your dream hair or let us create a style to fit your face and personality. Call (248) 540-0900 for an appointment.

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