How Often Should You Shampoo Your Hair

How often do you wash your hair? What is the right frequency for shampooing? There is a lot of conflicting opinions about the right amount of washing of your hair. Some say you shouldn't wash every day while others suggest daily cleansing of your scalp and hair. The correct answer is that it depends entirely on the individual.

At Images International we study all types of scalps, oily, dry, flaky, muddy, you name it we treat it. We have a program designed to address the condition your scalp is in and correct it for optimal hair growth. Our Head First Hair Renewal Program has specific treatments for every ailment.

Head First ProductsWhen your hair and scalp are oily you may find yourself washing your hair every day. This practice is perfectly fine since oil on our scalp is acidic and damaging to your hair follicles. Ideally you're removing the excess oil from the surface of your scalp. Lookout though, you may be using a product with silicones or detergents that cause buildup or excessive drying. Silicones coat the hair shaft and will not allow moisture to penetrate. Silicones also cause buildup around the hair follicle, clogging the follicle so new hair cannot grow out. When you use detergents like sodium laurel sulfate, an ingredient found in most shampoos, to wash your hair, you may dry out your scalp to a point where your sebaceous glands try to overcompensate and produce even more oil perpetuating the problem. To stop the cycle we suggest our oily scalp shampoo and if you have flaking our oily scales shampoo. Both formulas use plant extracts and all natural ingredients to regulate oil production and clear any bacteria and fungus that naturally get trapped in the oily environment on your scalp.

If you have a dry scalp, you may not need to wash your hair every day. Too much washing can further dry your scalp and lead to hair loss from irritation and inflammation. Dry scalps can be effectively treated with Images International's line of products designed to soothe inflammation and nourish the scalp and hair. We suggest our dry scalp shampoo and in the case of dandruff our dry scales shampoo will correct the problem and provide immediate relief to itchiness and discomfort. Our calming plant derived formulas correct the problem rather than mask it with synthetic moisturizers.

If you're not exactly sure if your scalp is dry or oily you can schedule a free hair and scalp analysis where a trained professional will view your scalp under a high magnification to look for signs of dryness or excess oil. Head First Products 2

Dandruff and oily scalp can indicate you are in the beginning stages of hair loss. It is crucial to start preventative measures as soon as possible to ensure success. Waiting until you're experiencing hair loss may be too late to stop the damage to your hair follicles and your hair loss may be permanent. Let Images International design a program specifically for your scalp and hair. We will pinpoint what your scalp needs to grow healthy thick hair. Call (248) 540-0900 for a free consultation.

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