Follicle Miniaturization

You may have read about follicle miniaturization on our website and surely if you’ve researched men’s hair loss you have come across the term. So what exactly is follicle miniaturization? Let us explain.

Male pattern hair loss usually happens over a long period of time where you may not even notice the hair falling out. What may be happening is that your individual hairs are becoming finer and thinner in diameter. The hairs also grow shorter through each subsequent hair cycle. Follicle miniaturization can happen in both men and women but is more pronounced and common in men.

Your hair will appear to have less volume because thinner hairs take up less space on your scalp. Spaces between your hairs may become more visible and in some cases the hairs become so thin and short you can’t see them.

Once hair is growing so thin and length beyond three inches cannot be achieved, hair loss appears to happen rapidly at this point. Sometimes, however, thinning stops and the number of hairs on your scalp remain the same for months or years.

Follicle miniaturization can often be slowed and sometimes reversed by using topical or oral treatments. Images International offers those products and more to address this condition. Our hair experts will educate you about our variety of options to address this early stage of hair loss before your hair follicles are completely and irreversibly unproductive.

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