The Many Causes of Female Hair Loss

A wide variety of factors can cause hair loss in women. These include genetics, stress, nutritional deficiencies, traction alopecia, hormonal imbalances, menopause, trichotillomania and thyroid deficiencies.

It’s difficult to get to the root of the problem with so many possible causes without seeing a medical doctor to explore lab results that may point to the reason your hair is thinning. However, there is always a reason for thinning hair. Hair cells are the most sensitive cells in the body to internal imbalance and changes.

It’s confusing to know if you are actually losing your hair or if your hair strands are just thinning in diameter - both may be true. While both will result in overall volume reduction, hair-diameter thinning occurs over a long period of time, while excessive hair shedding can result in more rapid reduction of volume if the daily loss of hair is substantial.

Sudden widespread hair loss is called “telogen effluvium” and is can be caused by hormonal upsets, pregnancy, stress, trauma and improper nutrition. Your hair’s diameter can also be influenced by these things but is most often due to genetics, follicle sensitivity and age. Also, a common cause of hair loss in woman is anemia and ferritin deficiency.

Hair loss in women can occur at any age, especially when it is exacerbated by conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, eating disorders or a strong genetic predisposition.

The causes of hair loss can vary from a wide range of factors and can often be triggered by more than one thing. If you are experiencing shedding or noticing thinness throughout your scalp, it is worth investing in some lab work with your doctor to define any abnormalities, medicinal side effects or vitamin deficiencies.

We know that not everyone has access to affordable doctor visits and treatments and so at Images International we educate you on all of the potential causes of hair loss. We offer a free hair and scalp analysis where we take a detailed magnified view of your hair shaft and hair follicles. Once we know what stage of hair loss you are in, what condition your scalp is in as well as learn about you and your hair we can develop a treatment plan.

We have a topical treatment system of hair shampoos, conditioners and topical treatment solutions to nourish the scalp and promote hair growth. These products are full of antioxidants, time released nutrients and even some contain minoxidil, and FDA approved ingredient to regrow hair.

Stop in to Images International to learn about our full line of treatments solutions or call to schedule your free consultation today.

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  • I've been a client of Images Internat"l for a little over 15 years and have seen significant growth, especially since the arrival of the new ownership team. The new offices are well done with rich dark hardwood tones giving a very impressive spa like appearance and feel. 'I'm a black client whose found his niche in the professionalism and attention to focused care for each client. I also appreciate the diversity in staff that meshes well with the diverse clientele. I've met the new owner who confided in me that she, herself, is a client (how about that)! I have on-going dialogue with the on-site manager who has lent a willing ear to my concerns and has been equally as compliant in addressing them by introducing the latest techniques and the issues of hair loss problems for both men and women. My hair design system is just fantastic. I am so comfortable with my hair system because it is undetectable, the hair curl fits me and is not a stock version for "black " clients, and because the feedback that I receive when out and about tells me that a great job has been done. From the receptionist's greeting received when entering Images to the care and attention given by the stylists, to the personal interaction with owner/management/staff, Images International is just the right place for me to be.

    -Taswell D

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