Reasons for Hair Loss

Aging can bring on many changes for women. Our skin loses elasticity, we have a harder time sustaining muscle and maintaining our metabolism. For many women, hair loss is also a part of getting older.

Hair loss or hair thinning is very common and Images International works with women of all ages to address their concerns. It can happen as early as your twenties, it might pick up during child bearing years with fluctuating hormones or it might show it’s face in menopause when our hormones become depleted.

We often think of genetics or hormones being the culprit, however, there are time when there is another factor in play which when addressed can halt the hair shedding and spark regrowth.

Your Stress Can Be a Culprit

Stress can affect the body in a few different ways. Excess stress causes testosterone levels to rise which in turn may cause hair loss. Also, stress can affect the way your body absorbs nutrients. Without the proper nutrients your body will not be able to grow healthy hair. At times of extreme stress you may even experience telogen effluvium where there is sudden and drastic shedding throughout your entire head of hair. This shedding is temporary and hair typically regrows as the stress is addressed in your life. To speed things up, try one of Images International’s Treatment Programs or our topical treatment solutions.

It Might Be Your Style

When you wear your hair up in a tight style on a regular basis you may be doing significant damage to your hairline. The pulling and tightening of ponytails and hair buns can cause breakage and if done for an extended period of time the hair can actually be pulled from the follicle causing irreversible damage. If you start to notice this traction alopecia, stop wearing your hair in the tight style and consider nourishing your hair with one of our treatment programs for healthy shiny hair.

Tis the Season

The changing of the seasons can cause hair loss in some people. Extra sun exposure can cause dry hair and breakage. Warm temperatures may affect your hair by extending its resting period triggering a greater release of strands in the Fall. Seasonal hair loss is self-limiting and hair will regrow according to its normal cycle.

Check Your Iron

Your body needs iron to produce hair. Make sure your diet includes dark leafy greens and red meat. Ferritin (stored iron) deficiency, is a very common cause of hair loss in women. You may notice hair falling out before it reaches its capable length. Your hair must have the proper nutrients in order to grow and it needs nutritional support.


It is unusual for pregnancy, itself, to case hair loss, it is what happens after you give birth that may affect your hair density. During pregnancy the extra estrogen your body is producing make you hang on to your hair for longer periods as it stays in the growth stage for a longer amount of time. When estrogen levels drop back to normal after birth you will notice the loss of the extra hair you grew during pregnancy. About half of women will notice this happen after childbirth and there is no way to predict whether it will happen to you or prevent it from occurring. Be sure to eat a diet rich in protein and iron and keep your vitamin D levels up so your hair grows back quickly. For a jump start, try the Low Level Laser Therapy offered at Images International.

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