Hair Breakage

If you’ve ever brushed your hair and felt a snap as your hair broke off, you may need to address the strength of your hair. Generally, a strand of hair is a strong fiber capable of holding up to 100 grams. Hair is elastic and can even stretch up to thirty percent of its length before it breaks. If your hair is not in good condition, however, it will break during routine habits such as brushing or putting it in a ponytail.

Your hair is made up of disulphide bonds which are complexes that hold the proteins inside your hair together. Hydration is key to this process as the moisture allows the disulphide bonds inside your hair’s cortex to bend, stretch and retract. Dry hair can snap off when you style or blow dry it.

Your hair’s elasticity and strength can be negatively affected by chemicals, ultra violet light and heat styling. Perhaps the worst offender is chemical processing because it permanently opens the cuticle which allows for constant water evaporation from within the hair.

Once hair is damaged is quite difficult to repair it because it is impossible to completely close the cuticle and return it to how it was. There are, however, products that can effectively restore elasticity and shine while reducing hair breakage.
We suggest you schedule a protein treatment at Images International. We offer the one of a kind Olaplex treatment. The way it works is by connecting single sulfur hydrogen bonds back together to form disulphide bonds. We are proud to offer this safe, effective treatment. It is free of phthalates, silicone, sulfates, aldehydes and DEA.
We also offer a full line of treatment products aimed at nourishing your scalp from your hair follicles to the ends of your hair. There are some things you can do at home to reduce damage and breakage,

  • When towel drying your hair press, don’t rub as rubbing can create tangles.
  • Use a wide tooth comb to detangle wet hair and start at the ends and work your way up.
  • Use a heat protective serum when heat styling.
  • Use low level laser therapy at home using the I-Grow sold at Images International to stimulate blood flow which nourishes your scalp.
  • Don’t tie your hair back tightly, this traction can damage the follicle and cause permanent hair loss.
  • Use sun protectant spray during the summer.
  • Try not to overlap bleaching applications if you color your hair.
  • Trim your hair occasionally because split ends can travel further up your hair shaft and cause breakage.

For more information and products recommendations call us at (248) 540-0900 or set up a free consultation.

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