Split Ends

Split ends can make your hair look frayed and frizzy. While there is no way to mend a split end there are ways to camouflage and even prevent them.

Leave-in conditioners can mask the look of split ends by temporarily gluing the frayed ends together. The trouble is as soon as you shampoo and brush your hair the look is undone. The only true way to get rid of split ends is to cut them off.

Luckily, there are things you can do to prevent split ends in the first place.

Be Gentle When You Brush

Pull your hair brush through your hair gently to eliminate stretching and breaking of your hair strands. Vigorous brushing can weaken hair strands causing them to fray. When towel drying, use the towel to squeeze extra moisture from the hair but avoid rubbing your hair because that may cause tangles and breakage. If you come across tangles, remove them with a wide tooth comb starting at the ends of your hair and working up. This will prevent the hair from snapping and breaking which can cause split ends up through your hair.

Watch the Heat

Rather than blow drying your hair past the point it is dry, stop when it just seems dry. Excessive heat and over-drying your hair can cause very dry hair and dehydrated ends which are prone to splitting. Use UV protection or a hat when you plan on being exposed to the sun. Your hair can be damaged by the sun just like your skin. Images International sells a leave-in conditioner with UV protection to protect and moisturize your hair or hair addition.


Hair that is conditioned with intense moisture treatment at least once a week will be less prone to split ends. Try our deep conditioning treatments and masks at Images International, we have products for every hair texture.

Get Regular Trims

Trimming your split ends is an easy way to get rid of them. It is important to trim them off regularly so the split end does not travel up the hair strand. You have all different lengths of hair and so it is impossible to trim all of your split ends at once but following the preventative measures as mentioned above will help improve the frayed look of your hair from split ends over time.

For more information about improving the health of your hair stop in for a free hair and scalp analysis at Images International. Call us at (248) 540-0900 or click on the contact page of our website.

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