Trichotillomania - Hair Pulling Disorder

Trichotillomania is a disorder that is characterized when one pulls out their own hair.  The repetitive nature of the disorder causes widespread hair loss.  A body-focused repetitive behavior, or BFRB, trichotillomania is one of several self-grooming behaviors where an individual can pick, bite, scrape or pull their skin, hair or nails ultimately causing damage to the body. 

Trichotillomania is a chronic condition that can last throughout one’s life.  It affects as many as 1 in 25 people.  While it can start during adolescent years, it is most commonly seen among adult women.  The pulling may just affect one area, for example, behind an ear, usually on the side of the dominant hand.  However, the condition can be so severe that it affects the entire scalp. 

When we meet with someone with Trichotillomania we highly advise them to seek behavior therapy if they aren’t already doing so.  It is important to address where the behavior is coming from and work towards a resolution.  In addition to where the behavior is rooted, there are also significant challenges clients face about their appearance.  Shame, insecurity and a low self-esteem are all effects of hair pulling.  Clients are embarrassed by how they look, and they fear someone will notice.

Images International offers hope for those struggling with Trichotillomania.  We understand how the condition might hold them back from reaching their full potential in their personal and professional lives.  We will offer aesthetic solutions that cover and protect the scalp from further damage.  We create a confidence from the inside out, so our clients truly feel beautiful.

Hair Toppers:

A hair topper is a light hair extension that can offer coverage of the area of that is affected by hair pulling.  Hair toppers and extensions are extremely versatile and can be used for small or large areas.  Having hair to cover thin areas instantly boosts self esteem and our clients no longer must worry about bad hair days.

Attached Hair System:

For semi-permanent and complete coverage, we recommend one of our attached hair systems.  These offer luxurious hair you can run your hands through with an undetectable appearance.  You will have the hair you dream of.  One of the many benefits of this method is the low amount of maintenance involved.  You will be able to get up and go without fuss.

We have seen first hand the smiles these solutions put on the faces of people struggling with Trichotillomania.  Our clients feel great and their hair has the opportunity to grow in, damage free. 

For more information about these solutions call (248) 540-0900 for a free, private consultation.  You can look and feel the options available to you in a supportive, compassionate environment. 


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