The Verdict on Biotin for Hair Loss

Biotin is a vitamin used to improve hair, skin and nail health. It can be found in many drugstores and vitamin stores alone or in a formula combined with other useful ingredients such as antioxidants. There is little scientific backing for the use of this B vitamin for hair loss but nevertheless people find that it works.

B vitamins support metabolism, bringing energy to one's cells and ridding them of carbon monoxide. Scientists are unsure of exactly what role biotin plays however it is speculated that it strengthens hair's infrastructure, keratin, which is a basic protein that makes up our hair, skin and nails.

It is known that while rare, a biotin deficiency causes brittle nails and hair and so one could argue that it indeed plays a role in the health these tissues. It is important to remember that a deficiency in biotin is not the sole reason for hair loss, there can be many more causes that when addressed could result in reversal of your hair loss.

At Images International we bring up important possibilities that may point to the cause of your hair loss. During our thorough consultation we are detectives going through all of the potential reasons you may be experiencing hair loss. While we are not doctors, we are trained in Trichology, the science of the hair and scalp, and we have a thorough knowledge of the intricacies of hair health.

Many of the reasons hairs fall out are systemic. Our hair follicles are attached to blood vessels which fuel the hair to grow healthy. When something is deficient or out of balance we will see it in our hair first since it is our fastest growing tissue. If you notice hair is falling out from the root it is likely that something is going on within your body, extreme stress, diet or hormones are all culprits.

When our bodies experience stress our hair suffers. Extreme hair loss during or right after a stressful event is called telogen effluvium. It is usually temporary and reversible. If you're considering natural solutions such as a biotin supplement we also suggest our Head First Program to regulate the hair growth cycle. Stress relieving activities like exercise, yoga or cognitive behavioral therapy will also be beneficial to regain homeostasis within your body. Stress can disrupt your body but a main culprit is also our diet.
Avoidance diets are extremely common, whether you're omitting meat, gluten or carbohydrates, not having a balanced diet will affect your hair. Hair needs protein, iron and vitamins to grow and your body needs carbohydrates to maintain hormone balance. Often doctors will uncover a deficiency, biotin or other, that may be leading to hair loss and once corrected it is completely reversible.

If you are interested in trying a supplement for hair growth consult your doctor first. The recommended dosage is 2.5-3 mg of biotin per day. Often it is found in formulas that also contain antioxidants like vitamin C and E, folic acid and zinc. Biotin is relatively safe to consume however overdosing can cause skin rashes and lower levels of vitamin C and vitamin B6. Also, some people who have certain conditions such as prostate cancer may wish to avoid a formula containing vitamin E in particular. These topics are best discussed with a trusted medical professional.

To make the most of your effort to stop or reverse your hair loss a supplement is a popular and effective choice. Images International sees incredible results when laser therapy combined with our Head First Program is used alongside dietary interventions. Please call us for a free consultation to learn more about our hair renewal program, (248) 540-0900.

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