Seasonal Hair Loss

If you feel like you notice more shedding in the Autumn months you are not imagining it. Seasonal hair loss is a common thing. To understand this phenomenon, you must first understand that hair growth happens in cycles.

Hair growth happens in the Anagen phase. This stage lasts about three to five years and hair can grow to about 18-30 inches. Next is the Catagen phase. This is a transitional phase that lasts about two weeks. Lastly, the Telogen phase, or resting phase, is when the follicle releases the hair. The Telogen phase lasts for about three months and then the cycle begins again.

When it comes to seasonal hair loss, research has suggested that women have higher rates of Telogen phase during the summer months, like July. That means approximately 100 days later the hair will release or fall out during October and November.

There are a few different theories on the cause of seasonal hair loss. One idea is that the in the Spring and Summer months you are exposed to more sunlight which increases your body's production of melatonin. Melatonin can interfere with hormone levels in your scalp which can make hair follicles remain in the Telogen phase for a longer period of time.

Testosterone also may play a role, naturally higher in the Spring and Autumn it can trigger hair loss in both men and women. It is important to remember that while some of your hair is shedding part of it is also growing and you shouldn't notice much change in overall volume.

If you notice your hair is thinning beyond just a season you should schedule an appointment at Images International for a free hair and scalp analysis. If you start to notice your part spreading or your hairline creeping back you may have something else going on that is triggering hair loss. Images International has solutions for all stages of thinning hair or hair loss. Call (248) 540-0900 for a free consultation to discuss the ways you can feel good about the way your hair looks.

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