Young Male Hair Loss

You are young, you have a zest for life and lots of big things ahead of you. Maybe you just finished college or perhaps you are starting a career. You enjoy your social life and you might even be looking for love. There’s this one thing though, that really makes you feel self-conscious. It stares at you in the mirror and makes you withdraw socially. You’re losing your hair.

Experiencing thinning hair or balding can have many negative impacts on your life. While it’s nothing to be ashamed of and something completely out of your control it still makes you feel uneasy and embarrassed.

Male pattern baldness occurs in over two thirds of all men under the age of 35. Twenty five percent of men start noticing hair loss before the age of 21. While hair loss can be caused by several different factors including stress, diet or hormones, with men it’s usually genetic. Hereditary hair loss occurs because your hair follicles have been programed to be more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT tells your body to under-produce hair which causes your hair follicles to miniaturize. Hair follicle miniaturization shortens the lifespan of the follicle, makes them produce thinner strands of hair and eventually the hair follicles will stop producing hair all together.

You may be wondering why your brother has a full head of hair and you have a receding hair line. Genes are passed to us from our parents. You may have inherited hair loss genes and your brother did not. Sometimes one can even carry the hair loss gene and not express it, so a parent may carry the gene even though they are not exhibiting hair loss. You cannot predict your own hair loss based on what your family members experience because every person has a different genetic code.

Images International has the solutions for you to regain your confidence and kick up your social life. You can have a full head of hair again. Whether you are experiencing early stages of hair thinning or you have a problem area you would like addressed we can help. Whichever solution you choose you will be able to do all of the things you love from swimming to exercising to dancing. Call us for a free hair and scalp analysis where we will discuss our newest technology and offer you the treatment or solution that is right for you.

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  • I have been a client for many years. This was and continues to be a choice that I am glad I made. Over the years, I have enjoyed excellent service, great products and offerings that have evolved with technology and the industry. I have come to appreciate the consistency of appointment setting, dealing with a changing calendar and always having great heads of hair. Thanks for providing a consistent level of service in a very dynamic business environment.


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