
There is a new device on the market using low-level laser light therapy to help regrow hair. Similar to the HairMax Laser Comb sold at Images International, this device is meant to be used at home at your convenience. The best thing about this product, we think, is that it is a wearable helmet! No longer will hair loss sufferers need to move a comb around their head, the I-Grow Laser Helmet emits visible red light lasers and LED’s and has just been approved by the FDA.


You may have noticed us mention on our website or in our blog that our team is continuously updating their skills and undergoing training. At Images International we know that offering the latest technology and state of the art products is only effective if we have a highly skilled team of stylists and experts applying these products and offering these services.


A healthy scalp is fundamental to healthy hair. In order to prevent hair loss or damage you must treat your scalp gently and thoughtfully just as you would the skin on your face. Here are some tips to maintain the healthiest scalp possible so you grow healthy, strong hair as well as prevent damage and thinning.


Male and female pattern baldness are common dermatologic disorders affecting over half of the population. There are many treatments and solutions available to treat hair thinning or hair loss. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is one popular treatment and here we address some frequently asked questions.


As you age you may start to notice gray hair. Each hair follicle contains a certain number of pigment cells. These pigment cells produce a continuous amount of melanin which gives the growing hair it’s color. As you get older the pigment cells in your hair shaft gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in each hair follicle, the strand of hair will no longer contain enough melanin to produce it’s natural color like brown or black, instead it will grow to be a transparent color like grey, silver or white.


Vitamin D is essential to healthy bones and skin and many Americans, especially those who live in the northern part of the country do not get enough. Winter months, use of sunscreen and diets lacking in the nutrient are all to blame for our diminishing vitamin D levels.


You are young, you have a zest for life and lots of big things ahead of you. Maybe you just finished college or perhaps you are starting a career. You enjoy your social life and you might even be looking for love. There’s this one thing though, that really makes you feel self-conscious. It stares at you in the mirror and makes you withdraw socially. You’re losing your hair.


Thinning hair and hair loss are a natural part of the aging process but for some women experiencing menopause hair loss can be severe and troublesome. Approximately one third of women experience hair loss at some point in their lives and about two thirds of post-menopausal women experience hair thinning or bald spots. Luckily, unlike male pattern baldness, hair loss in woman tends to be much subtler.


As hair loss professionals, people often share pre-conceived ideas of what causes their hairloss. Here's information that will help clarify the 'root' of the matter.


At Images International our goal is to offer you hair loss solutions that restore your confidence in your appearance. Confidence is an energy, a vibe you give off. It’s a feeling of contentment within yourself. Self-confidence comes with having assurance in your own abilities but it is also tied to how you feel about your physical appearance. Confidence is worn like an accessory and it is noticed.


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  • All of the employees at Images are pleasant, skilled and pay attention. The systems are of good quality and match existing hair. Overall it is a good experience.


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